Getting started with Internationalization (i18n) in Ember.js

Writing your Ember.js app to include Internationalization support is easy. Here’s a quick guide on how to implement it.

  1. Grab the CLDR.js library here. CLDR provides a bunch of handy pluralization logic that works across different locales. You want it.
  2. Next, grab the ember-i18n library here. This is the meat and potatoes of handling i18n in Ember applications, and it takes care of all of the gritty details.
  3. Now, before you create your Ember application, make sure to set the default locale for CLDR like so: CLDR.defaultLocale = 'en';
  4. Lastly, create a file called i18n.js that you will load after CLDR.js and ember-i18n. This is where you will store your i18n strings.
  5. Inside the i18n.js file, simply setup an object like so, with the appropriate keys for your application:
    Em.I18n.translations = {
      "user.edit.title": "Edit User",
      "": "One Follower",
      "user.followers.title.other": "All 9 Followers",
      "button.add_user.title": "Add a user",
      "button.add_user.text": "Add",
      "button.add_user.disabled": "Saving...",

In your Handlebars templates, you can now reference the usual t object to get the i18n strings:

<h2>{ { t user.edit.title } }</h2>

Now, that was pretty easy, eh?